Since it's founding in 2020, BGS has launched a series of programs, partnerships, projects and pilots in support of its three-fold mission across workforce development, business development, and community development.

Workforce Development
MassCEC Student Internship Program Success (SIPS) Initiative
BGS is the lead training provider for the MassCEC Student Internship Program Success Initiative (SIPS). BGS recruits and places 2 and 4 year degree students and clean energy certificate program students who identify as First Generation college students, Pell Grant recipients and residents of Environmental Justice neighborhoods into into clean energy internships while also providing educational and professional skill building workshops, community building, network connections and retention support and DEIJ training for supervisors at host clean energy companies.
This program is open and is actively recruiting employers and students for Summer 2025. Please see below for more information.

Workforce Development
Coalition Membership Initiative
Through it's Coalition Membership Initiative, BGS connects, supports, and educates organizational leaders in their work to advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) principles within their own organizations and collectively throughout the clean energy and climatetech sectors.

Workforce Development
Achieve Green Program
A Pathway to Green Construction Careers: The Achieve Green program is a workforce training program that creates avenues for vocational technical high school students to gain the skills and education needed to pursue a career within the green construction industry, providing pathways that foster growth, job readiness and sustained employment.

Business Development
ACCEL Program
The Advancing Climatetech and Clean Energy Leaders (ACCEL) Program, a proven accelerator from Greentown Labs and Browning the Green Space (BGS), is dedicated to supporting BIPOC and women-led startups as they develop critical climatetech solutions by offering access to funding, education, resources, and networks that structural inequities often put out of reach.

Workforce Development
Boston Civilian Climate Corps Pilot
The Boston Civilian Climate Corps is a 16-week paid training program for formerly court involved and previously incarcerated individuals to enter the building electrification sector. The program consists of 10 weeks of classroom learning followed by 6 weeks of on the job training.