On Sunday, July 31, 2022, Browning the Green Space was featured in a WCVB-TV Channel 5 mini-documentary segment on Environmental Justice in Boston. This mini documentary brings critical attention to how communities of color experience more than their fair share of ‘environmental bads’ and how we can work together to increase access to ‘environmental goods’.
In Part 1, Reverend Mariama White Hammond of City of Boston, Reverend Vernon K. Walker of Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW), and State Representative Russell Holmes speak to the history of disinvestment in communities of color and how that has contributed to greater impacts of climate change such as extreme heat. Watch Part 1 here.
In Part 2, Kerry Bowie, Executive Director and President of Browning the Green Space, speaks about how we are taking a systems approach by focusing not just on Environmental Justice but economic justice and social justice as well. Watch Part 2 here.
And last but not least – make sure to tune in to hear from three youth leaders with GreenRoots, Inc. on the importance of getting young people involved as Environmental Justice change makers. Watch this segment here.
Prior to the current dual crises of the day – a healthcare pandemic and a police brutality epidemic – climate change and the wealth gap were arguably the two biggest issues we faced as a nation here in the U.S. These two problems still loom and will unfortunately still be with us even after a vaccine for COVID-19 is fully distributed and policing reform has been enacted. The Browning the Green Space Initiative is working on addressing climate change while closing the wealth gap, and we hope that you will join us in this fight!